Source code for burst.burst

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Burst processing thread

import re
import json
import time
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from urlparse import urlparse
from elementum.provider import append_headers, get_setting, set_setting, log

from parser.ehp import Html
from provider import process
from providers.definitions import definitions, longest
from filtering import apply_filters, Filtering
from client import USER_AGENT, Client, get_cloudhole_key, get_cloudhole_clearance
from utils import ADDON_ICON, notify, translation, sizeof, get_icon_path, get_enabled_providers, get_alias

provider_names = []
provider_results = []
available_providers = 0
request_time = time.time()
timeout = get_setting("timeout", int)

[docs]def got_results(provider, results): """ Results callback once a provider found all its results, or not Args: provider (str): The provider ID results (list): The list of results """ global provider_names global provider_results global available_providers definition = definitions[provider] definition = get_alias(definition, get_setting("%s_alias" % provider)) max_results = get_setting('max_results', int) sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda r: (r['seeds']), reverse=True) if len(sorted_results) > max_results: sorted_results = sorted_results[:max_results]">> %s returned %2d results in %.1f seconds%s" % ( definition['name'].rjust(longest), len(results), round(time.time() - request_time, 2), (", sending %d best ones" % max_results) if len(results) > max_results else "")) provider_results.extend(sorted_results) available_providers -= 1 if definition['name'] in provider_names: provider_names.remove(definition['name'])
[docs]def extract_torrents(provider, client): """ Main torrent extraction generator for non-API based providers Args: provider (str): Provider ID client (Client): Client class instance Yields: tuple: A torrent result """ definition = definitions[provider] definition = get_alias(definition, get_setting("%s_alias" % provider)) log.debug("Extracting torrents from %s using definitions: %s" % (provider, repr(definition))) if not client.content: raise StopIteration dom = Html().feed(client.content) row_search = "dom." + definition['parser']['row'] name_search = definition['parser']['name'] torrent_search = definition['parser']['torrent'] info_hash_search = definition['parser']['infohash'] size_search = definition['parser']['size'] seeds_search = definition['parser']['seeds'] peers_search = definition['parser']['peers'] log.debug("[%s] Parser: %s" % (provider, repr(definition['parser']))) q = Queue() threads = [] needs_subpage = 'subpage' in definition and definition['subpage'] if needs_subpage: def extract_subpage(q, name, torrent, size, seeds, peers, info_hash): try: log.debug("[%s] Getting subpage at %s" % (provider, repr(torrent))) except Exception as e: import traceback log.error("[%s] Subpage logging failed with: %s" % (provider, repr(e))) map(log.debug, traceback.format_exc().split("\n")) # New client instance, otherwise it's race conditions all over the place subclient = Client() subclient.passkey = client.passkey if get_setting("use_cloudhole", bool): subclient.clearance = get_setting('clearance') subclient.user_agent = get_setting('user_agent') uri = torrent.split('|') # Split cookies for private trackers[0].encode('utf-8')) if 'bittorrent' in subclient.headers.get('content-type', ''): log.debug('[%s] bittorrent content-type for %s' % (provider, repr(torrent))) if len(uri) > 1: # Stick back cookies if needed torrent = '%s|%s' % (torrent, uri[1]) else: try: torrent = extract_from_page(provider, subclient.content) if torrent and not torrent.startswith('magnet') and len(uri) > 1: # Stick back cookies if needed torrent = '%s|%s' % (torrent, uri[1]) except Exception as e: import traceback log.error("[%s] Subpage extraction for %s failed with: %s" % (provider, repr(uri[0]), repr(e))) map(log.debug, traceback.format_exc().split("\n")) ret = (name, info_hash, torrent, size, seeds, peers) q.put_nowait(ret) if not dom: raise StopIteration for item in eval(row_search): if not item: continue name = eval(name_search) torrent = eval(torrent_search) if torrent_search else "" size = eval(size_search) if size_search else "" seeds = eval(seeds_search) if seeds_search else "" peers = eval(peers_search) if peers_search else "" info_hash = eval(info_hash_search) if info_hash_search else "" # Pass client cookies with torrent if private if (definition['private'] or get_setting("use_cloudhole", bool)) and not torrent.startswith('magnet'): user_agent = USER_AGENT if get_setting("use_cloudhole", bool): user_agent = get_setting("user_agent") if client.passkey: torrent = torrent.replace('PASSKEY', client.passkey) elif client.token: headers = {'Authorization': client.token, 'User-Agent': user_agent} log.debug("[%s] Appending headers: %s" % (provider, repr(headers))) torrent = append_headers(torrent, headers) log.debug("[%s] Torrent with headers: %s" % (provider, repr(torrent))) else: log.debug("[%s] Cookies: %s" % (provider, repr(client.cookies()))) parsed_url = urlparse(definition['root_url']) cookie_domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=parsed_url).replace('www.', '') cookies = [] log.debug("[%s] cookie_domain: %s" % (provider, cookie_domain)) for cookie in client._cookies: log.debug("[%s] cookie for domain: %s (%s=%s)" % (provider, cookie.domain,, cookie.value)) if cookie_domain in cookie.domain: cookies.append(cookie) if cookies: headers = {'Cookie': ";".join(["%s=%s" % (, c.value) for c in cookies]), 'User-Agent': user_agent} log.debug("[%s] Appending headers: %s" % (provider, repr(headers))) torrent = append_headers(torrent, headers) log.debug("[%s] Torrent with headers: %s" % (provider, repr(torrent))) if name and torrent and needs_subpage: if not torrent.startswith('http'): torrent = definition['root_url'] + torrent.encode('utf-8') t = Thread(target=extract_subpage, args=(q, name, torrent, size, seeds, peers, info_hash)) threads.append(t) else: yield (name, info_hash, torrent, size, seeds, peers) if needs_subpage: log.debug("[%s] Starting subpage threads..." % provider) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() log.debug("[%s] Threads returned: %s" % (provider, repr(threads))) for i in range(q.qsize()): ret = q.get_nowait() log.debug("[%s] Queue %d got: %s" % (provider, i, repr(ret))) yield ret
[docs]def extract_from_api(provider, client): """ Main API parsing generator for API-based providers An almost clever API parser, mostly just for YTS, RARBG and T411 Args: provider (str): Provider ID client (Client): Client class instance Yields: tuple: A torrent result """ try: data = json.loads(client.content) except: data = [] log.debug("[%s] JSON response from API: %s" % (provider, repr(data))) definition = definitions[provider] definition = get_alias(definition, get_setting("%s_alias" % provider)) api_format = definition['api_format'] results = [] result_keys = api_format['results'].split('.') log.debug("%s result_keys: %s" % (provider, repr(result_keys))) for key in result_keys: if key in data: data = data[key] else: data = [] # log.debug("%s nested results: %s" % (provider, repr(data))) results = data log.debug("%s results: %s" % (provider, repr(results))) if 'subresults' in api_format: from copy import deepcopy for result in results: # A little too specific to YTS but who cares... result['name'] = result[api_format['name']] subresults = [] subresults_keys = api_format['subresults'].split('.') for key in subresults_keys: for result in results: if key in result: for subresult in result[key]: sub = deepcopy(result) sub.update(subresult) subresults.append(sub) results = subresults log.debug("%s with subresults: %s" % (provider, repr(results))) for result in results: if not result or not isinstance(result, dict): continue name = '' info_hash = '' torrent = '' size = '' seeds = '' peers = '' if 'name' in api_format: name = result[api_format['name']] if 'torrent' in api_format: torrent = result[api_format['torrent']] if 'download_path' in definition: torrent = definition['base_url'] + definition['download_path'] + torrent if client.token: user_agent = USER_AGENT if get_setting("use_cloudhole", bool): user_agent = get_setting("user_agent") headers = {'Authorization': client.token, 'User-Agent': user_agent} log.debug("[%s] Appending headers: %s" % (provider, repr(headers))) torrent = append_headers(torrent, headers) log.debug("[%s] Torrent with headers: %s" % (provider, repr(torrent))) if 'info_hash' in api_format: info_hash = result[api_format['info_hash']] if 'quality' in api_format: # Again quite specific to YTS... name = "%s - %s" % (name, result[api_format['quality']]) if 'size' in api_format: size = result[api_format['size']] if type(size) in (long, int): size = sizeof(size) elif type(size) in (str, unicode) and size.isdigit(): size = sizeof(int(size)) if 'seeds' in api_format: seeds = result[api_format['seeds']] if type(seeds) in (str, unicode) and seeds.isdigit(): seeds = int(seeds) if 'peers' in api_format: peers = result[api_format['peers']] if type(peers) in (str, unicode) and peers.isdigit(): peers = int(peers) yield (name, info_hash, torrent, size, seeds, peers)
[docs]def extract_from_page(provider, content): """ Sub-page extraction method Args: provider (str): Provider ID content (str): Page content from Client instance Returns: str: Torrent or magnet link extracted from sub-page """ definition = definitions[provider] definition = get_alias(definition, get_setting("%s_alias" % provider)) matches = re.findall(r'magnet:\?[^\'"\s<>\[\]]+', content) if matches: result = matches[0] log.debug('[%s] Matched magnet link: %s' % (provider, repr(result))) return result matches = re.findall('http(.*?).torrent["\']', content) if matches: result = 'http' + matches[0] + '.torrent' result = result.replace('', '') log.debug('[%s] Matched torrent link: %s' % (provider, repr(result))) return result matches = re.findall('/download\?token=[A-Za-z0-9%]+', content) if matches: result = definition['root_url'] + matches[0] log.debug('[%s] Matched download link with token: %s' % (provider, repr(result))) return result matches = re.findall('/telechargement/[a-z0-9-_.]+', content) # cpasbien if matches: result = definition['root_url'] + matches[0] log.debug('[%s] Matched some french link: %s' % (provider, repr(result))) return result matches = re.findall('/torrents/download/\?id=[a-z0-9-_.]+', content) # t411 if matches: result = definition['root_url'] + matches[0] log.debug('[%s] Matched download link with an ID: %s' % (provider, repr(result))) return result return None
[docs]def run_provider(provider, payload, method): """ Provider thread entrypoint Args: provider (str): Provider ID payload (dict): Search payload from Elementum method (str): Type of search, can be ``general``, ``movie``, ``show``, ``season`` or ``anime`` """ log.debug("Processing %s with %s method" % (provider, method)) filterInstance = Filtering() if method == 'movie': filterInstance.use_movie(provider, payload) elif method == 'season': filterInstance.use_season(provider, payload) elif method == 'episode': filterInstance.use_episode(provider, payload) elif method == 'anime': filterInstance.use_anime(provider, payload) else: filterInstance.use_general(provider, payload) if 'is_api' in definitions[provider]: results = process(provider=provider, generator=extract_from_api, filtering=filterInstance) else: results = process(provider=provider, generator=extract_torrents, filtering=filterInstance) got_results(provider, results)